Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Merry Christmas! Pray the Lightkeeper's Prayer

Lightkeeper's Prayer

LSB 956

LSB 957

LSB 434 [use ending from v.1&2 until last prayer of the day]

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

A Powerful Prayer to Fill the Day

If you've read this blog for a while, it's probably unsurprising that I call this prayer "Endurance"

The summary (using LSB numbers) is:

+ 956 130 957 967 +

  • Make the sign of the cross and begin to sing "Create in Me"
  • Sing (chant) Psalm 130
  • Sing the Lord's Prayer
  • Pray the "Jesus Prayer" which is not in the LSB but widely known; it was started with the desert fathers: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
  • Make the sign of the cross as you finish.
This can of course be spoken instead of sung, or kept in the mind, depending on the context limitations. It takes me about 3 minutes, so it's easy to insert into little pockets throughout the day. Very effective against Satan, the World, and the Flesh.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Fury vs Usyk 2

 My prediction: 

Round 1 - Usyk

Round 2 - Fury

Round 3 - Fury

Round 4 - Usyk

Round 5 - Fury

Round 6 - Usyk

Round 7 - Usyk

Round 8 - Fury

Round 9 - Usyk

Round 10 - Usyk wins by TKO

Round 2 is on December 21st! Should be another classic. Can Usyk remain undefeated? Usyk rightly the favorite now at -175.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


The above image is a sneak peak of the Endurance Logbook. Friday (Dec 6th) I was very excited to produce the first Test Print for this notebook - actually sending cover and flyleaf files to the printer, and cutting and folding them on ordinary copy paper to see what happened. I'm thrilled with how the notebook has come together, and I can now see what the next modifications will need to be as I fine tune things. I also have all the paper materials gathered for the project once we make the first real prototype.

Every feature of the inside is carefully chosen and designed, including:

  • An introduction the Endurance expedition, explaining the cover art and name choice
  • A page for personal information
  • A longer quote on prayer from Luther in the Large Catechism
  • Hahn Daily Prayer
  • Usyk Daily Strength
  • Wiles Daily Conversions
  • "A Clean Heart" page - an encouragement for Christian men
I am testing the plans live as the notebook develops. I am planning to move forward with construction on the first Endurance Logbook at the end of Christmas Break once I complete 4 weeks of consistently implementing the plans in the notebook, in order to give them a thorough test, to be able to endorse them wholeheartedly for their intended purpose.

I will use this space to provide periodic updates and insights during this process of building spiritual discipline - which of course is lifelong, but you've got to start somewhere. This page is also intended to answer the lingering questions raised by my post from July 2023, namely how to maintain consistency in these practices. How to endure to the end, how not to let your love grow cold, despite desperate opposition from the devil, the world, and the flesh, which rage, fight, distract, and do all in their power to take us from the gifts of Christ in Word and Sacrament, in prayer and practice. The theme of the Logbook, as well as for the joyous suffering I'm in the midst of beginning today, is Matthew 24:13, the words of our Lord Jesus: "But the one who endures to the end will be saved."

Day 1: 7 December 2024

The chief insight I have in my present mind is this: Jesus Only can defeat the powers of darkness. We must cling to him in hearing the Word and receiving the Sacrament. And we must cling to him in prayer, calling upon the name of the Lord. Prayer is the first, chief, and most fundamental work of each hour, each day, since it calls to our aid our only hope against evil, our only light in the midst of the darkness. Pray without ceasing. It's the only actual silver bullet, because through the Spirit, it sanctifies whatever you're doing, which means it will be blessed, according to his good will and purpose. And that prayer is not separate from the Word, but inextricably intertwined with it, most clearly in the Psalms and the Lord's Prayer, as well as in faithful hymns and other prayers. These words and meditations must be on our lips and in our hearts with discipline and regularity from Sunday morning to Sunday morning. Not only that, but laced with prayer, the Christian must practice bodily discipline, controlling and subduing the flesh as the Augsburg Confession so rightly teaches. But all the efforts must stem from Christ's help in Word and Sacrament, in prayer and song, else they will quickly crumble, for though the spirit indeed is willing, the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41 summarizes this very nicely.