Friday, September 23, 2022

Field Report #003


I remember the days of old; I meditate on all that you have done; I ponder the work of your hands. Psalm 143:5

With relentless consistency, the book of Psalms, the New Testament, and indeed all of Scripture point God's people back to what he has already done. 

Remember when I split a Sea in two? Remember when I drowned the host of evil in the water behind you? Remember the plagues I sent in Egypt? Remember the manna and the quail? Remember my provision in the wilderness? The water from the rock? The victory in battle?

Especially in Exodus, God does things, miraculous things, that he wants his people to never forget.

So let us continue to remember.

The Daily Office is proving to be a game-changer. Of course, it's a piece of church history, old news as far as God's people are concerned, but a practice that has been largely lost in Lutheran circles. Some are looking to bring it back. This version (from the earlier Daily Office post) is what works for me - find a routine that works for you!

Entertainment has slipped again into the black hole of YouTube, and I'm not doing burpees either. I've noticed the weakness, even when picking up the kids and feeling the strain on my weak legs. Time to get into it again, and make it sustainable so that I can stay in the game through busy times of life.

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