Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Field Report #004


"Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you? So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:11-12

The years of our life are 70, or maybe 80 if we're strong. Nowadays 90 is more of a possibility. But the point is that our days our numbered. God's wrath burns against all wickedness and ungodliness, and he has promised to return soon to judge the living and the dead. And if he tarries, he is sure to call you to the grave, sooner or later. So in Psalm 90, we pray for God to teach us to remember the brevity and impermanence that characterizes our lives, like grass that thrives one day and withers away the next.

With that being said, the Word of God and prayer can become the way that we mark the time. When we take up the Sword of the Spirit with prayer, we remember to number our days, we remember the warnings and promises of our Lord, and we turn again to him in faith, beggars beneath his merciful hand.

I'm eager to make the Daily Office the top priority today, and to make the best use of the time in the evil days. 70 burpees this morning felt great - my first set in a long time. It's good to be strong and ready to serve your neighbor in whatever capacity you are called to do it. And 0 Entertainment is going well today - likewise, it is good to spend the time working with your hands (or perhaps typing) instead of sinking back into the hypnosis that is the all-important "news" of the day.

Lord, have mercy.

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