Friday, September 30, 2022

Upcoming 10K Race - Training Update


In just over a week, I'll be running my first 10K. I've gone longer and shorter, but never raced the 10K distance before. The training update is... not the best. Here's a summary of my training for the race next Saturday:

  • Around 40 days of running every day, averaging approximately 2 miles per day from late July through early September
  • Around 20 days of no training whatsoever in the middle of September
  • 3 days of burpees at the end of September
And that takes us to the present day. I haven't run 6 miles in maybe a month, I'll need to check my running log to confirm. 

So, how to train for a race off of almost 0 fitness that's 8 days away? My plan is daily burpees, and getting in one run of 6 or 7 miles. If I can sprinkle in a couple other shorter runs then I will. And then we'll be out of time, and race day will have arrived! Modifying my expectations for the race, I'm treating it more like a baseline to see where I'm at in the 10K with very little training, to give me something to build off of over the next few years. Again, I'll need to check the Running Log to see my 5K Time Trial time a couple months ago - but that may help me set a time goal for the 10K, because I was in only slightly better shape then than I am now. 

We'll se how things go next Saturday! I'll be sure to publish a full race report here on the Rhythm of the Sword website.

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