Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Welcome to the Rhythm of the Sword Blogspot site!

Rhythm of the Sword is a set of daily disciplines for the Christian. As far as I know, it currently has a following of 2: myself and my father. Each day we strive to complete these daily disciplines out of love for God and neighbor - not as a new law that our conscience is bound to. A full explanation can be found in the founding documentThis is your landing space for all things RotS and related topics. Specifically, our primary foci are the three disciplines of Rhythm of the Sword.

  • Psalms [Pray 10 or 12 Psalms a day, or however many works for you]
  • Burpees [Perform a set number of burpees daily, or a different preferred exercise]
  • Entertainment [Engage in 0 solo video entertainment daily, and / or restrict whatever other media you need to separate from]

More broadly, you may find further discussion on Holy Scripture, exercise, media, and other topics. 

To get a primer in the Psalms, I would recommend reading them and praying them. Talk to your local LCMS Pastor about the Psalms, and consider praying the Psalms daily with the Sons of Solomon program.

For Burpees, there is only one place you really need to go (Language Warning). This guy also promises a bad time.

Finally, when it comes to Entertainment, the best thing you can do is not be staring at this screen right now. Putting a link here would be a little self-contradictory.


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