Wednesday, November 30, 2022


You may recognize the image above from the excellent work by Kyle Eschenroeder on Art of Manliness: Meditations on the Wisdom of Action. While the piece does drift off into secularism, it has some excellent wisdom at its core. For example:

“Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy but where are they.” –Plutarch, Sayings of the Spartans

The Spartans knew they would meet the enemy and fight with courage. They didn’t ask for unnecessary information.

You don’t need to either.

Gather the minimum information you need to begin.

Then, before you think you’re ready, begin.

This will provide you more useful information than any amount of abstract research ever could.

A similar message is delivered by our Lord through the book of Proverbs chapter 6: 

Go to the ant, O sluggard;

    consider her ways, and be wise.

Without having any chief,

    officer, or ruler,

she prepares her bread in summer

    and gathers her food in harvest.

My father once summarized it like this:

"Spend less time thinking about it and more time listening to God and taking action."

I really don't think I should write anything more here. Our "research" needs to stop, our "thinking" needs to come to an end. Go to the ant. TAKE ACTION

Oh - but what if I really, really, really don't feel like it, and usually obey that feeling when it comes?

Then, and most especially then:


Rest when the action is done. But right now:


Sunday, November 27, 2022

On Truly Functional Fitness


Consider the icons and idols of the fitness world. Professional athletes. YouTube "influencers". Action-movie stars. In the effort to remain physically fit, "ordinary" people use these celebrities as their standard for excellence. They know that, to be really fit, they need to look like and feel like these people. These people who, by the way, do not even exist in the way we imagine, for we only see the person who wants to present themselves in a certain way in front of a camera.

Is this an attainable fitness standard? And is this really what we should all be shooting for? I don't think so - for two reasons:

First, as we mentioned above, it's a fake standard. We see exactly what these people want us to see, and that always means glossing over some of the negative nuances, whether they are intentionally or subconsciously hidden for the camera. We are not watching real people, but twisted versions of them as presented and edited by the screen.

Second, and perhaps most importantly, these people's jobs are very different than ours. Stop and consider again the top three categories of fitness gods that I mentioned: The pro athlete, the influencer, and the movie star. Consider: What are these people's jobs? What are they called to do for a living? The pro athlete's job is literally to go work out. To get stronger, in the context of his sport. You are going to get much fitter than the ordinary person if your job is to work out. The influencer's job is literally to go work out. Albeit heavily edited and with as little clothing on as possible. They make their money literally by showing a camera how fit they are. Finally, the movie star's job is (partly) to go work out. There is much more to their role, but many of us have heard the stories of the crazy diets and workout regimens that some actors must go through to prepare for a big role. This is what they get paid to do.

So what are we called to do? What is the meaning of functional fitness to us? It means to be fit enough to function in our day to day life. That means something very different for a pro athlete than it does for the average man. I'm not saying to not work out, I'm saying work out with the goal of functionality in your calling and your vocation. And perhaps most importantly, don't let your working out get in the way of your vocation. Don't let a fit body become an idol and an overarching goal, while housework, work-work, and family time fall by the wayside. Pursue the level of fitness that complements, rather than competes with, your vocations. 

So here's where I think most people can find the right balance: pursue a baseline level of functional fitness in the body. That means that your fitness, and the pursuit of it, should not get in the way of the things you have actually been called to do, but rather help you to do them better. Part of this means thinking long-term: be in good enough fitness that your body is not degenerating due to a slothful lifestyle. That way you can perform your vocation for many years to come, God-willing. Functional fitness does not necessarily mean throwing down 200 5-pump Navy Seals, as pictured above, as part of a normal morning workout. It could mean doing that, if it's not getting in the way of your vocations, or if you need to be that strong for your vocation, but unlike in the case of Iron Wolf, working out is not truly part of the job for most people.

Instead, be fit enough to fight and defend a weaker person. Be fit enough not to die at 50 from a preventable heart condition. Be fit enough to help a neighbor move. Be fit enough to run around with your kids. Be fit enough for the long hike with the heavy pack on your next vacation. Be fit enough to do your job well, whatever that may be.

It is good for men to be strong, and perhaps this post has come off as if it's against guys going to the gym. It's meant to say the opposite - go and work out, with the aim of using your fitness for good within your vocations. Do not become weak, and also combat your pursuit of personal fitness as your refuge and strength. We have a better God for that.

In short, pursue truly functional fitness.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Field Report #023

The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29

God be praised for the beloved words of the disciple whom Jesus loved. His Gospel is beautiful and refreshing. 

The challenge is going well - in case you missed it, my goal is to learn the first chapter of John's Gospel by heart by December 15th. I am through verse 30 now and moving steadily, on pace for a finish. It's really fun to be able to recall and review and enjoy a longer passage of Scripture on-the-go without having a book open in front of you.

Thanksgiving has been a delicious affair - and the world of work will be beckoning again in a couple of days. I'm longing to have God's Word and prayer in place as my refuge, and not the screen. It has been good to travel for Thanksgiving and have that be an easier thing to do. This will probably be my longest stretch of time on a computer while out of town. 

Also, Jack Ryan on Amazon Prime is amazing. We've been watching it a little in the evenings with the family. I'd like to try one of the books at some point.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Field Report #022


John is still in progress and moving along well. I am through verse 26 of chapter 1 today, and am planning to make it through 28 by the end of the day. we are at the halfway point of the chapter and on pace. There is a lot of repetitive but slightly different language like "he said" "John said to them" "They asked him" "They said to him" that takes practice to keep straight. The Jewish leaders at the moment are very curious and concerned about the identity of John, and John is of course trying to point them to Jesus.

With Thanksgiving Break starting for me, I'm hoping to commit a lot of time to memory work over the next few days. 

He said, "I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,' as the prophet Isaiah said." John 1:23

Monday, November 21, 2022

Cavs Update - November 21st, 2022


The Cavs are sitting at 3rd in the East with 21% of the season completed, owners of an 11-6 record. The Cavs hit their first slump of the season recently, losing 5 straight games before turning in 3 wins to get back on track.

I think it's been really good for the Cavs to get brought back to earth with those 5 games - the high confidence needed to be tempered with a little realism as the data regressed a little closer to whatever the ultimate mean will be. The Cavs have had a taste of how high they can fly, and have also been made to bite the dust pretty hard. 

One development has been the increased confidence and scoring ability shown by Darius Garland. He's not afraid to take over even with a player of Mitchell's caliber on the floor at the same time. As this pair continues to learn how to work together, they will become a more lethal combination as either one can take over the game on any given night. 

Jarrett Allen has put up great numbers like a 20-rebound showing against the Clippers, and good old Cedi Osman just put up 23 points off the bench against the Hawks. There's a lot to like here, and Bickerstaff has a great set of players to work with, players who seem committed to him and bought into his leadership. Bickerstaff obviously loves what he does, calling his line of work the best job on the planet. It's fun to see this team continue to grow and improve, even as their Eastern Conference rivals do the same.

In my mind, Boston and Milwaukee are currently on a different level, but the Cavs are currently leading the charge amongst their Eastern Conference rivals. Player development, injuries, and team chemistry will determine how things shake out come playoff time. For now, the Cavs need to keep their heads down, put in the work, and spend every day trying to get a little better as they seek to stack up wins and position themselves as well as possible for a playoff run.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Op-Ed from a Turkey

This Thursday, turkeys like me from across the nation will once again observe a day of solemn remembrance, as survivors look back on the friends and family who met their destiny this Thanksgiving. While the pain of this “holiday” is difficult for birds everywhere, some of us have been able to find the silver lining. 

“It’s my time,” said Timmy the Turkey from Ohio, shortly before making his final journey to Kroger’s poultry section. When Turkey Today asked him if he had any parting words for the humans who would consume him, Timmy replied, “Thaw thoroughly, put me in brine overnight, cook to 165 with a syrup-butter baste, and rest for 30 minutes. If I’m gonna go, I want to go like a champ, am I right?” 

Sir Tommy Turkey of London shared similar ruminations Sunday evening from his farm, shortly before his flight to the United States in order to bolster local supply. “The noble task of the turkey  is burdensome, I grant, but at this final hour I must confess that this American slaughter - this bloodletting of unknowable proportions - this is what we were born and bred to accomplish. God created man to subdue the earth, and henceforth from the fall of Adam, that has meant eating me. I shall accept my fate. Gobble gobble.”

Indeed, turkeys like Timmy and Sir Tommy can take comfort knowing that their death is not in vain. At the end of the day, America needs these birds. As my late grandmother Tammy Turkey once said, “Honestly, I would rather you eat me than tell me that you’re vegan - again.”

This holiday, give thanks for the innocent turkeys who will meet their feathery fate for our good. And then eat them. 

Field Report #021


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1

The Gospel of John is such a blessing. As Luther said, nowhere else does God so clearly lay out the doctrine of the incarnation, and of the two natures of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has been a gift from God to have the opportunity and inclination to spend time in this Gospel.

The Learn-by-Heart project is going well. I am 21 verses through, approaching the halfway point. The singular focus has been practical and valuable so far. Whereas during the Chubb Challenge I was struggling to keep up with existing real-life commitments because of all the pursuits of the Challenge, now I was able to have a very productive Friday and Saturday - in part because of the lack of pressure brought on by my manmade "law". In fact, had the Chubb Challenge been continuing, it would have been one of the most productive days of the Challenge - but I needed the pressure to be off, in order to free up time and mental capacity to complete some necessary work.

I am working toward December 15th and relearning an important lesson: Change - even sanctification - will not happen all at once as you imagine, but will be worked in you little by little by the power of the Holy Spirit working through his Word and Sacraments. 

So in setting goals, as much as you know that many, many things about you should change, do not imagine you can become an idealized version of yourself all at once. Instead, be patient, trust that your life is not an emergency, and take comfort that you are a baptized son of God. Set small goals and build small habits of prayer and piety, trusting to God's patient mercy to slowly "create in me a clean heart" - a heart that is already truly clean and spotless in his sight on the day of Judgement, for Jesus' sake.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Field Report #020


Read Report #019 for context on the picture.

It's time for a new challenge! I believe the third on this blog after the first two ended in failure. It is simple, singular, and challenging but doable:

Learn John 1 by heart by December 15th, and recite it perfectly word-for-word on that date. 

I already have verses 1-18 down out of 51 total, so there are 33 verses to go. That means 33 verses in 28 days, or a rate of approximately 1.18 verses per day.

I'll keep the blog updated with progress.

Field Report #019


Unfortunately, the above image pretty aptly sums up the current state of the Chubb Challenge: a once-green tree now tired out and dead in a waterless plain.

Pretty much everything is behind. I slipped on No Entertainment on the 16th with sports highlights and social media. I'm way behind on Romans, Psalm 37, and burpees.

It really just took one mildly challenging weekend. We were on the road and I didn't get the burpees done, and the other dominoes collapsed with the drop in momentum.

I am trying to formulate a plan moving forward. I like all the goals and elements that I want to work on - I just keep failing at them. Am I targeting too many goals at once? Am I being overambitious in trying to change my whole life instead of admitting that the process is much slower than I imagine I'm capable of?

Yes and yes.

The Chubb Challenge was a combination of 8 different goals - all fairly difficult for me - to be accomplished by the end of the 40 days. Eliud Kipchoge famously said, "I come from Africa, and in Africa, we don't chase two rabbits at once." Kipchoge sets one goal, one marathon, and focuses his entire being on the single objective. After 6 months of focused preparation, he accomplishes that objective, executing on his simple and focused preparation. Then, once the celebrations are over and he has rested his well-worked body, he sets another goal.

I will try to learn from Kipchoge in establishing a new pursuit.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Strenuous Life - for Lutherans

You may or may not have heard of Art of Manliness and its adult scouting program - The Strenuous Life. I have not tried it myself, but the idea is to get men back out into a more strenuous way of living in a badge-based community similar to the Boy Scouts and other historical programs of olden days. 

I wonder what this would look like for Lutherans - a scouting program particularly geared toward Lutheran men who want to take their faith more seriously and engage in some helpful practices. Mad Christianity's Sons of Solomon and Rome's Exodus 90 are both along this line of thinking.

Some inherent dangers would be the Pharisaical stratifying of Lutherans into tiers of manmade piety, and the justification-by-works approach to appeasing the conscience troubled by its lack of sincere piety. Some potential benefits would be the arming of men of God with his Word and prayer, equipping a generation of faithful leaders in the church for a life of spiritual warfare.

The 40-day challenge I'm doing works along the lines of a program of spiritual disciplines, and I can clearly see some benefits from it. But I don't know how well it would translate to a larger scale.

Perhaps a set of disciplines, badges, or status symbols would be more helpful on a smaller, local scale - a group of Christian brothers seeking to hold one another accountable and challenge one another in a shared spiritual discipline. Sons of Solomon does a good job of trying to focus things on a local level - but I'm looking for something a little more than that: something that has an initiation process, and challenges, badges, checkpoints, titles, etc. Many men find this kind of recognition and feeling of achievement through gang membership, team membership, or club membership. Wouldn't it be better to focus our energies (and yearning for group recognition and accomplishment) on the work that God has actually called us to do?

Again, I'm not sure what to make of it all, but I think there's an opportunity for positive influence in the lives of young Lutheran men, who want to prove themselves but don't yet have a way to do so.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Field Report #018


It's Friday!

Chubb Challenge Update: Things are proceeding well.

The only element that I haven't made progress on yet is fixing the roof, which is not good because it has been raining today. God-willing the water will stay out. 

Burpee update - I have 850 burpees so far in 7 days. So there is currently a 150-burpee buffer in terms of staying on pace to finish 4,000 in 40 days. it is exciting to approach the first-1,000 milestone. I did 150 this morning at an easier pace, and 100 last night. I'd like to get back to keeping them in the mornings more consistently, but that means being much more caught up on work from day to day.

We will be travelling this weekend, so my goal is to hit 100 burpees tomorrow morning and Sunday morning, despite being in a new location and dealing with the inconvenience and tiredness that comes from travel. We will be doing lots of hiking, so that will be a nice supplement for overall physical fitness. 

I also tried maxing out on pullups the other day and hit 9. I believe that is tied for my lifetime best. So a few more weeks' work and I will probably try again and see if I can hit double digits. From there, it's a long and steady road to my goal of 15. 

I am looking into options for a cheap but effective weight to lift in the garage. 

Day 7 - stay Chubby!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Field Report #017


The Chubb Challenge is still in progress.

500 burpees down in 4 complete days (not counting today). Entertainment is holding strong - I need to get to work on the roof shingles.

This is really putting into context for me when Iron Wolf does 500, 750, or 1,000 burpees in a single workout. It has been a lot to do 500 in 4 days. However, it has been satisfying to feel the movement become easier as the high reps build muscle mass and muscle memory. Trying to master a movement instead of hitting on 20 movements is a really fun and gratifying way to work out, because you can feel the difference and see the progress so clearly, and grow to enjoy the exercise on a deeper level.

I'd really like to get in a 400-meter repeat workout, inspired by Emil Zatopek but also just to work on the speed. Running has fallen by the wayside as burpees have taken precedence.

We will be travelling this weekend, so it will be imperative to get up early and get the burpees done before the day's events begin. I will keep trying to hit days of 100, then go for another bigger workout on a quieter day next week - perhaps Wednesday. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Graph Paper and the Pocket Notebook

There are few simple pleasures in life greater than a notebook in the pocket, neatly organized, and filled with graph paper awaiting the scratch of a sharp pencil.

In a screen-dominated world, some are rediscovering the satisfaction of note-taking, equation-solving, and picture-drawing with good old pencil and paper. And no style of ruling is as versatile as the simple grid: both horizontal and vertical organization pre-drawn and literally at your fingertips. 

So if you haven't tried pocket notebooks already, and if you are at all interested in making lists, drawing coordinate planes, performing long division, or anything else that would benefit from graph paper, pick up a notebook or make your own, and get to work. 

Simple mathematical tasks can be calming in a stressful and disordered world. Neat list-making and chart-building can give you control and satisfaction during an unsatisfying day. And it's a far more edifying and far less addicting therapy than the screen that beckons you back into its hypnosis.

Clean off your desk and lay out a graph paper notebook today!

All-Time Basketball Team


If you could pick 10 players and put together a team that could beat any other 10-person historical combination team, who would you pick? This requires not just choosing 10 great players, but players who would work together well on the floor

Here's mine, beginning with the 5 starters:

Starting Guard: Magic Johnson
Starting Guard: Stephen Curry
Starting Forward: LeBron James
Starting Forward: Tim Duncan
Starting Center: Hakeem Olajuwon

And the "bench":

Guard: Kobe Bryant
Guard: John Stockton
Forward: Larry Bird
Forward: Kevin Garnett
Center: Shaquille O'Neal

I think you could take these 10 guys and they would beat any other group of 10 players you could come up with. It's such a stunningly good combination of scoring, rebounding, passing, and defense when you put the whole group together.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

The Cavs' Hot Start


What a start to the season.

As I write this, the Cleveland Cavaliers are 8-1 with the Number Two record in the league. No LeBron. No Kyrie. And rocking a better record than the Warriors, Celtics, and Suns 9 games in.

As you might remember in my Cavs season preview, I had high hopes for Cleveland going into the season. A competitive run into the second round of the playoffs. But the Cavs have wildly exceeded expectations to start the year, seemingly unable to lose after their first game of the season. They have taken down defending Eastern Conference Champion Boston, as well as LeBron's Lakers, with no signs of slowing down.

What does it all mean?

If nothing else, it means that Cleveland has truly terrifying potential. It means that the Cavs organization has suddenly managed to put something together that has a real shot at contention against the big names in the league. It is all happening a little sooner than expected - but with the quality of last year's team injected with the electric blast of Donovan Mitchell, we shouldn't be surprised.

However, it is still early. Very early. With only 11% of games played, the team will undoubtedly face more injuries, shooting slumps, tough road trips, and all manner of adversity before the regular season is over. 

But do the Cavs have the potential for a special season?

Yes, without a doubt, they do. Perhaps the most important part has not come now, but will come in seeing how they bounce back when a star goes down, or a losing skid threatens to take the wind out of their sails. The Cavs have proven their potential - now they have 73 more games to prove that greatness is not just possible, but to be expected.

Field Report #016


Chubb Challenge - Day 2

We are rolling. The 40-Day Chubb Challenge has gotten off to a Chubby start, with 300 burpees in 2 days (200 yesterday and 100 today). Lots to do, lots to look forward to. 

I am wondering if at some point between now and the 14th, I will join Iron Wolf's 500 burpee club and win the privilege of being able to buy that t-shirt. It's not out of the question; I've now done 150 twice, 200 once, and 400 once.

A lot of my spare time will need to become memorization time, in order to keep the rest of the project moving forward. Grading is also one of the objectives, and now it's time to do that...

Until next time,

"I stick to what I always do" - Nick Chubb

Saturday, November 5, 2022

40-Day Chubb Challenge (5 November - 14 December)

No time to waste - a new 40-day challenge begins today.

This one is almost solely focused on cumulative goals for the end of the 40 days. Things are about to get Chubby. Some highlights include

    -4,000 burpees

    -John 1 memorized

    -Psalm 37 memorized

    -0 entertainment

I will keep you all posted. Today is day 1, and it's in the books! 39 to go.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Field Report #015

 40-Day Challenge Report: Day 11

The challenge is over on Day 11. I struck out on Daily Office by accidentally sleeping in this morning. Disappointing. I don't want to make up modifications to let the challenge keep going - it has failed in its originally conceived form. The plan now is to either begin a new challenge tomorrow, or a new challenge with its start date set 10 days ago, but with significantly modified goals and disciplines.

This has been a really helpful exercise for me. I've been getting maybe 30% more work done, closing in on solid burpee shape, and am in the Psalms on a much more regular basis than I was previously. Little steps in the right direction.

For my new plan, the main takeaway here is that I need to allow more wiggle room for life to happen on hour-by-hour disciplines like the Daily Office. I want to make the challenge easier in this respect, but more difficult and more focused in terms of the long-term goals for the end of the challenge.

I will keep the blog updated!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Field Report #014

 40-Day Challenge Report: Day 10

“But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36

The last few days have certainly been the most difficult of the challenge. The possibility of victory now hangs by a thread, as they say, with no wiggle room left in the Daily Office, and hardly any remaining in 2 other disciplines. But we are holding on. 

There are rises and falls in motivation over the course of a week, and they influence my behavior too heavily. As Jocko says, discipline beats motivation. I am continuing to try to build in the routines so that I can fall back on discipline when difficult days arrive.

Probably the biggest success so far has been in burpees - I've hit 10 days in a row now, no misses, and sprinkled in a couple of slightly larger workouts. I'm on the road to 300 under 40, and it's gratifying to feel my body getting stronger again. I need to take the next step and hit 200 tomorrow morning.

The biggest struggle is finding a trigger or switch to get me dialed in again when my engagement and passion for the challenge begin to slip.

Day 10 on track.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Field Report #013

 40-Day Challenge Report: Day 8

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10

The likelihood of success for this challenge has just taken a blow - I've now used up my cushion in the practice of the Rhythm of the Daily Office, falling asleep again before the final prayer hour of the day. That means I need to go 33 days straight, without missing a day, to pull it off.

Well, I wanted it to be challenging! This is going to be a serious test of consistency. It is tempting to give up now because the probability of completion has become so low. But I know, from the first week of the challenge, that the effort is undeniably worthwhile. Now is not the time to grow weary, but to once again stay awake and not let the focus slip on Daily Office - for 33 days.

I feel a strong kinship with the disciples in the garden right now - the stakes are high, evil is crouching at the door, the labor grows tiresome - and my response is to fall asleep. 

Those disciples would then witness the resurrection of their Lord, and spend the rest of their lives exhorting the brethren to take refuge in the mercy of Christ, love one another, and stay awake for his return. 

Help us, dear Lord Jesus, to learn from our own mistakes and from the mistakes of those who came before us. Amen.