Saturday, December 31, 2022

Field Report #028


Good morning!

It's December 31st, 2022. What better way to end the old year than by setting goals for the new? 

Here are my three Rhythm of the Sword goals for the Year of our Lord 2023:

  1. Pray 3,650 Psalms. It seems silly to set concrete numbers for prayer goals, as we should be praying without ceasing. But I do find that it helps me pray more often if I track these things. This would be about an 1,100-Psalm jump up from last year, and would earn me a coveted yet elusive Red Belt in the Rhythm of the Sword Belt System.
  2. Go 350 Days with 0 Entertainment. This would be a 100-day or so improvement on last year, and certainly unprecedented in Rhythm of the Sword history. But if I can get in the habit of staying off the screen instead of constantly jumping on and off the train, this could be a year for big improvement. It would also earn the elusive Red Belt.
  3. Perform 30,000 Burpees. This goal may be the biggest "stretch" goal of the three. In 2022 I performed fewer than 13,000 burpees. But with my increased daily mark of 100 and with good momentum right from the start, I know I could do it. This would, of course, also give me the Red Belt for burpees in Rhythm of the Sword.
I'm looking for a big push forward in all three categories. Honestly, I would also be reasonably happy with a Brown Belt for all three of them, as this would still constitute a significant improvement. But this is the time to buckle down and see how far I can go, and I am firmly convinced of the benefits of pursuing all three of these goals. It's almost a new Rhythm of the Sword year, and I'm excited to tackle it with discipline and consistency!

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