Monday, January 16, 2023

Field Report #030


I did 1,000 burpees...

In 15 days. Hey, it sounded cool.

But the burpees really are going well as I've strung a few days together here in the new year. I have yet to establish a set time each day, but hopefully that will come. I just have found a way to get it done the last few days. I don't particularly anticipate trying to hit 1,000 in a workout, but it is a goal of mine as I've mentioned previously to hit 500 in under 90 minutes.

Psalms are also happening but I've been slacking in the memory department. Entertainment has been good, and is my longest current streak of the three. 

Also, a new favorite Rhythm of the Sword - related Bible passage of mine: 

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Next big moves to make are getting into a routine time for burpees, and re-establishing a memory habit. Besides that, just trying to keep the ball rolling!

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