Friday, February 3, 2023

Field Report #032


Today is on track so far. I found out that Psalm 78 chanted is about 85-95 burpees long for me, depending on the pace. It gets you through the 100 quickly and lets the Psalm get more familiar in the background.

As always, I love the feeling of doing a burpee set after a steady stretch of doing it consistently. The strength is coming back. 

I would like to do more running, but don't know when I can make that happen. I'm going to keep prioritizing burpees, but am unsure where to put the focus while running. 400m, 1 mile, 10k, 10 mile, marathons, and ultra adventures are all appealing to me. I generally get more interested as the distance increases, but the proportional increase in time commitment is the struggle.

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