Saturday, March 11, 2023

Field Report #036


Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;

    incline your ears to the words of my mouth!

I will open my mouth in a parable;

    I will utter dark sayings from of old...  Psalm 78:1-2

Today was a fun day in the fitness category - and it's not finished yet!

I'm shooting to get in 6 miles every Saturday; today it had to be split between an approximately 4.7 - mile run in the morning and 2 miles in the evening for around 6.7 total. The evening run was a nice, fairly quick neighborhood tour in the dark, and fun to liven things up after dinner.

But the morning workout was the real kicker - I decided to put in a 400m, 800m, and 1600m Time Trial all at once! I was in Indiana and discovered from our hosts that there was a track only a mile away. So as soon as I could in the morning, I ran over and got to work! I ended up doing 400m all out, jogged 2 laps, 800m all out, jogged 2 laps, and 1600m all out, jogged 1 lap, then jogged back home, all pretty much continuous. It was a good baseline for me since I plan to run three times a week for the next month-plus, and also plan to do burpees 6 days a week. I would love to see how that training would affect my times for these three basic distances. Today, my times were:

1:09    400m

2:53    800m

6:20    1600m

For context, my PRs in those three distances are:

1:07    400m (this is the only one I'm not sure about, give or take a second)

2:22    800m

5:25    1600m

Each time was right around what I was expecting. After completing this Rhythm of the Sword training segment, I think that realistic goal times for the three events in a Time Trial conducted the same way would be:

1:05    400m

2:45    800m

6:05    1600m

I would love to dip back under 6 but am unsure how many miles I would need to put in to get back there, especially after putting in a hard 400 and 800 in the same run. This is a fun and tough way to do Time Trials. 

And like I said, the day's not finished! All 120 burpees are still waiting for me. I've been loving the 15-down method for doing my 120.

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