Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Welcome to Rep City


I think there is so much wisdom in the Iron Wolf approach to burpees... and to nearly any pursuit. He says things like

"Welcome to Rep City"

"Reps = Reputation"

He is obsessed with "getting your reps in" and every one of his workouts are full of one constant: Repetitions.

Consistent action toward a goal is how goals are achieved. Consistent action is just another word for reps. If you put in reps, after reps, after more reps... you will slowly and steadily move toward your goal.

If you put in day after day after day  of reps zombifying your mind with a glowing screen, you will get really good at escaping into the allure of entertainment. If you put in day after day after day off the screen, in the Psalms, and moving your body, you will find that your whole body and mind are able to transform - simply through getting in the reps.

There is no secret sauce.

Just reps.

1 comment:

  1. "REPS" = Reputation. Did you mean to put Repitition?
    Good point about viewing screen time as 'reps'. I never thought of it that way.
