Sunday, November 26, 2023

Running Streak (7 Days)


Graham Blanks from Harvard just became the NCAA D1 XC Champion!

In other news, my running streak has reached 7 days! I have good momentum going and am using a new running log website: - highly recommended so far. 

My runs have all been either 3 or 1.5 miles, including a 5K Turkey Trot on Thursday pushing my middle son in the stroller. 

I am keeping it structureless which is how I train best - just getting out the door consistently to run however much is timely and feels good.

No injury concerns so far either, God be praised!

I am replacing my burpee streak goal in Rhythm of the Sword with running at least a mile, instead. My Psalm and 0 Entertainment goals remain the same; both of those are going well.

The Lucky Leprechaun 10 Miler is 3 months, 18 days, 18 hours away. If I continue just running consistently, and sprinkling in some longer efforts here and there, I'll be ready to go and not embarrass myself come March - and run a result I can be happy with. We'll see as the weeks go by what goal takes shape. I currently have sub-75 minutes in my head. My typical training place is around 9 minute miles at the moment, so that would require a lot of improvement.

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