Monday, February 5, 2024

Ten Miler Training Update


As it so often happens with me, my 10-Miler training ambitions far exceeded the reality of my preparation thus far. Six weeks out from the race, I have not run further than three miles (about two weeks ago) and have not performed burpees since the 27th of January. 

The Psalm and 0 Entertainment disciplines in Rhythm of the Sword have taken a higher priority for me, as I believe they should. But it would indeed be nice to have all three, and this has not come together thus far.

In six weeks' steady training, I can still probably gain enough fitness to feel ready at least for the 10 mile distance itself. To me, the best way forward would consist of the following training:

  • Daily workouts of at least 60 burpees, peaking at 250 burpees
  • Thrice-weekly runs, including two commutes to and from work, and a Saturday run
  • Five Saturday long runs of, in order, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 miles
I know that this will be hard to pull off, but I would really like to try so that this race entry - paid and sealed months ago - doesn't go down as a wasted investment. I want to know not what I can do "from the couch", but coming off a quality training block. Since I haven't had that, then what can I do from 6 weeks' quality training and physical discipline? A little mini boot camp.

I think it is still possible to get under 85 minutes, but every passing week without significant physical activity makes this less and less likely. As always, the best time to begin is now.

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