Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Field Report #025


This is it - by the end of the day tomorrow I want to have John 1 memorized. I am currently through verse 42 (6:33 am). That means 9 verses between today and tomorrow. It's a large but doable amount if I dedicate enough focused time to it.

You really start to get a better appreciation for all the little gems hidden away in a chapter when it is repeated so often. A few that come to mind for me from John 1 are "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God," "the Word became flesh," "who were born...of God," "the light shines...darkness has not overcome it," and "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world."

Yesterday was a good reset in terms of Psalms and 0 Entertainment. No burpees, but I am far enough behind in work that it really wouldn't have been good to do burpees. I may be able to get a set in this evening. The Watchman's Prayer helped to refocus and keep things on track a couple times yesterday, and I plan to continue making use of it today.

God-willing we will have a report of success in John chapter 1 tomorrow!

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