Monday, January 9, 2023

Georgia vs TCU National Championship Prediction


It's Monday, January 9th at 4:45 pm as I write this. In two hours and 45 minutes the national title game will begin in California. I am an occasional college football fan with perhaps 20 minutes cumulative watch time of games from this season.

Having read a few preview articles, I know that basic storyline that Georgia is the heavy favorite and defending champion. TCU is the Cinderella team with a stunning, expectation-shattering season and a chance now to win it all.

You hear the phrase "heavy favorite" a lot but it really seems to be the case here. In the previews that I've read, out of something like 20 different sportswriters predictions, I remember only one who picked TCU.

I will not edit this article after 5pm and we can see how things turn out.

My prediction for the final score is:

TCU 35 - Georgia 34

EDIT: Ok the actual final score was TCU 7 - Georgia 65


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