Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Field Report #038


Good evening!

The 555.5 Training Plan is progressing nicely through Phase I. I had planned to work in a few burpees this week but it's not a necessary step. Burpees will start up at 80 a day beginning next week, and hold there with no other changes for three weeks. 

Psalms, as ever, are at the core. I'm still on track to work though the Psalter in 30 days - I've done that plan before but never done it in 30 before. Today is Day 11 and we're still alive! I haven't really gotten into Psalm 18 yet but I warming up for it. It has been very nice to work in some variety going through the 30-day plan instead of having so much focus on the ones I already have memorized. 

Haney won the fight against Loma - according to the judges - but as Teddy Atlas laid out so clearly this week, change needs to happen. At least one of those three judges was either corrupt or blind as a bat... and it's not the latter. It's interesting to get a scoop on the inner workings of the boxing world, and how the flow of money affects the outcomes of fights. Reform is needed, and Teddy Atlas is trying to make it happen. I'd love to watch more boxing but 0E is doing a good time of limiting that, and it really isn't valuable if I'm being honest.

The Nuggets swept the Lakers in a stunner for me, but thankfully the Heat are still rolling toward the Finals. They lost game 4 but still have a 3-1 lead and I think they're going to make it out to the Finals. History agrees.

Lots of house projects on the list this summer - we got a big one out the way with a recent tree removal, and I'm looking forward to getting things into a good place before next fall.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Into your hands I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O + Jesus Christ, faithful God. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. Amen.

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