Sunday, October 1, 2023

10 Miler - Week 1 Complete


        This is a phot of me training hard in my gorgeous Ohio wilderness trails. Just kidding.

Week 1 of training for my 10 mile race is complete! Three runs and various other workouts on the other days - I'm excited! There have been some pains and sore spots coming up, but nothing lingering yet. I suppose it's part of shaking the rust off. The highlight was definitely my "long" run Saturday (5 miles), where I'm pretty sure I experienced runner's high for one of the only times in my life. Some amount of endorphins are released in any long-distance run, but occasionally it seems to be on another level. I was closing the run fairly fast (for me) at the end of the 5 miler, and it felt good; when I stopped, I was breathing almost completely normally, as if I'd been out for a light walk. Very cool.

Week 2 is much the same as Week 1, with a 6 mile run next Saturday instead of 5. The long runs will go 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, with 10 being a Time Trial. Then I'll know where I'm at, allowing me to set up a more well-informed goal. My current thought is to go for sub-70 minutes in March.

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