Saturday, October 14, 2023

10 Miler - Weeks 2 and 3 Mostly Complete


Yuki Kawauchi would be proud.

My Dad and I got in a solid 5 mile run in the early morning dark under steady 52-degree rain this morning. It ended up being a very pleasant run, with core temperatures under control and very little wind to speak of.

This was supposed to be a 7-mile day in my training plan. A week of heavy travel for me has not quite derailed things, but left me behind where I planned to be. So I need to keep the focus and even make a couple workouts up in order to stay on track for a good performance in March. I am currently on track with everything but the following incomplete workouts so far:

  • 8 total rounds heavy bag (Monday and Wednesday Week 3)
  • A continuous 6 mile run (had a break in the middle of about 20 minutes)
  • A continuous 7 mile run (only did 5 today)
  • Core + 70 Burpees (Thursday Week 3)
  • 2 miles easy (Friday Week 3)
I've missed quite a bit. On the bright side, tomorrow is Sunday. Since I accidentally took Friday off, I've already had my rest day and I should be clear to work out in terms of reasonableness in avoiding injury. Tomorrow morning I will shoot for Core + 70 burpees + 2 miles Easy, making up my last 2 missed bullet points. The continuous runs might be something I let go. It's a major weakness because I need to be able to run 10 miles in just a few weeks. But I don't have the time moving forward to throw in a random 7-miler midweek. We will continue with 8 next Saturday and see how it goes.

As for the heavy bag, my travel has led to not having access to this tool. I want throw in extra rounds this week to make up as many of those 8 rounds as possible this week, in addition to the normal 8 rounds that are already scheduled. 

So by the end of the week, God-willing I'll be able to cross off every workout except for that 7-miler (I'll count 6 as 6, even if it's broken up). It will be essential, however, to nail a continuous 8 mile run next Saturday. That means planning ahead in terms of gear, weather, time, and using the bathroom beforehand.

I hope to update you in seven days with news of a consistent and full week of training in the books. Then I can actually take a Sunday off! See you soon.

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