Thursday, November 30, 2023

Running Streak (11 Days)


Still going!

I wanted to go under 12 on my Olympus Loop, so yesterday I went at about an 85% effort and got 7:27 pace for a time of 11:11. The next milestone will be sub-11! It's amazing how much you can regress without running regularly though. That was an 85% effort to run 7:27 pace, and I used to be able to run 7:02 pace at 75% effort. Crazy stuff.

Still, there's only one way to get back there, and that is to keep running consistently. The mileage is nothing to call home about yet, and I'm realizing that if I want to get beyond 1.5 miles for my daily runs, I will need to wake up earlier. Right now, I either barely have the 15 necessary minutes in the morning, or I have to wait and squeeze it in after work.

My goal is to get in more total miles this week Sunday through Saturday than I did last week (12). Let's keep going!

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