Friday, December 1, 2023

Why I keep Field Logs

 I have developed my Field Logs habit, and I'm glad. I keep a log of every day, in 15-minute increments, starting with 1:

  • 1. Some time around 12:15AM.
  • 2. Some time around 12:30AM.
  • 3. Some time around 12:45AM.
  • 4. Some time around 1:00AM.
  • 92. Some time around 11:00PM.
  • 93. Some time around 11:15PM.
  • 94. Some time around 11:30PM.
  • 95. Some time around 11:45PM.
  • 96. Some time around 12:00AM.

 I was up late on November 15—so late that it became November 16. And I'm particularly happy I kept my log that night:

Not for the bed bug spray! (As well as it works, the spray is but a secondary joy.) My grandson David was born that night and I was awake, waiting for news of his birth. When the news came, I wrote it in my Field Log, and I sure like reading it!

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