Monday, November 6, 2023

Running Streak (2 Days)


I'm starting a running streak!

A little over a year ago, I tried running at least a mile every day and made it around 30 or 40 days. That's by far the longest I've ever gone consecutively.

Now, I think I'm ready to give it another go, and see it through significantly longer. One year is the general goal, but of course that's a long way away. At this point, coming off once a week training at best, every day is a real milestone (both figuratively and almost literally; 1.5 mile daily loops will be the minimum). 

I have 2 days down - a 4 miler and a 1.5 miler yesterday and today, respectively. Part of my inspiration is Steve DeBoer (pictured above) whose streak of 52 years and running is currently #3 on planet earth. The guy is a machine. 

I want to get geared up really nicely form my 10 miler on March 16th, and this seems like the way to do it. I need to get out there every day and start logging some miles on a consistent basis. 

Today also happens to be Day 11 of a Psalm and 0 Entertainment streak, which is really at the core of what I'm working on and in a really solid place. I'm excited to keep it going, God willing!

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