Saturday, January 27, 2024


The heart of man is blackened, corrupted, and deathly sick. It will not cease spewing forth shadow and darkness until it finally ceases its fleeting beat. Be the years seventy or eighty, the new heart continues at war against the old - and finds itself unable to completely snuff it out. Not that He cannot, but that he has appointed a time for this final victory to take place - and though it is not yet, it will be soon. This battle is waged with a single weapon, a two edged sword of infinite strength and death-breaking light. Wielded in prayer and preaching, in water and promise, in flesh and blood, it holds the death throes of death at bay until its already ancient defeat is made visible upon the broken earth. Meanwhile, the prince of shadow bids warring hearts to sheathe their blades and kneel in fealty to his glorious and blissful shadow - the lie that hides the lake of fire. We turn back to the Lord, daily and often, clinging again to the hilt as if life itself hinges upon this singular weapon: the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And yet in our sick insanity, ofttimes we lay it down yet again. Fool! Cling to it tightly, and most especially when your heart's whisper most sincerely bids you to lay it down, but for a soft and fleeting moment. Stay awake.

Psalm 130

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