Thursday, February 15, 2024

10 Miler Strategy


We are only a month away from the Lucky Leprechaun 10 Miler. After 5 months of dilly dallying, I am training hard and gearing up for the race. I will come into the Lucky Leprechaun, Lord-willing, with almost-daily runs, daily burpees, and a 4-miler, 6-miler, 8-miler, 10-miler, and 10-miler under my belt. The 4-miler is already in the books; this Saturday I'd like to do 6.

Strategy-wise, the general goal I set for myself several weeks ago was to go sub-85 minutes. My normal 1.5-mile runs tend to be in the 8:30-9:30 mile range. In a race environment, with a solid month of training under my belt, I think sub-85 would be a good solid goal for 10 miles. The long-term goal is sub-70.

In terms of race strategy, I'm currently of the mind that even-splitting on 85 pace is the way to go, and pressing a bit after mile 7 if things are feeling good. The course is essentially and out and back, with a fairly major hill in the middle of each half, as well as a downhill leading to the turnaround, followed by an uphill coming back. I'm going to apply my Flying Pig 2017 lesson of taking it real easy on the uphills so they don't throw me off, and I'll just keep hitting that Olympus hill on my normal run loop.

I would really love to hit 10 miles twice before the race, but wouldn't mind if I can just get it once. For something as long as 10, especially considering I haven't run that far since March 2022, it will be essential to get a feel for the distance once again. 

From there, I'd like to sign up for a fall race and keep the ball rolling with training over the summer, and see if we can get under 80 minutes. 

But, first we have to see how things go this March!

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