Sunday, December 11, 2022

Field Report #024


"And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God." John 1:34

John came to prepare the way for Jesus. As Elijah was literally the forerunner for King Ahab, the new Elijah came as the forerunner for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to proclaim the news that the Messiah, the Son of God, in the fullness of time, had come.

We are getting close to the December 15th goal on John 1! I am through verse 39 now with around 2 mistakes, so it still needs a little cleanup. That means 12 more verses over the next few days to make it on time. It will be a push to the finish but it's still doable and the project has not derailed, thankfully.

I haven't been giving field updates as often on the actual elements of Rhythm of the Sword - Psalms, Burpees, and 0 Entertainment! So let's take a minute to do that:

Psalms - I am really trying to get into a habit with Rhythm of the Sword - Daily Office, which includes 12 Psalms a day. The last three days I have missed at least one of the Psalms, so once again I am trying to get them all in today. It's amazing how easily we drift from the one needful thing, as Martha did back in her day. So they are around every day without a doubt, but not with the regularity and consistency that I need.

Burpees - Burpees are probably the weakest link at the moment. I went three days with no burpees, and a few weeks with no burpees at all before those three days. I've been struggling to get into a morning routine where I can convince myself to go out and do the burpees, but not until today has it been really successful. I was able to put up 100 reps this morning, and hope to build that momentum into tomorrow morning, as well. I really need to start stringing together some 100-burpee days... then weeks... then months... then years.

0 Entertainment - The last four days of 0 Entertainment have been pretty good. The focus has not been stellar, but I am keeping things limited and not scrolling social media or going on a YouTube binge. I am shooting to keep dialing in the focus during screen time, but things haven't gone off the rails in a few days.

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