Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mix it up with rep ladders

Iron Wolf likes rep ladders: "25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18…. 1 of 6 count burpees." That's 325 altogether. Didn't know that? Here are some rep ladders, listed as highest number of reps, colon, total reps. They're easy to calculate even if you don't have a list handy.

  • 25:325
    • (25)(26)/2=325
  • 24:300
    • (24)(25)/2=300
  • 23:276
    • (23)(24)/2=376
  • 22:253
    • (22)(23)/2=253
  • 21:231
    • (21)(22)/2=231
  • 20:210
    • (20)(21)/2=210
  • 19:190
    • (19)(20)/2=190
  • 18:171
    • (18)(19)/2=171
  • 17:153
    • (17)(18)/2=153 (John 21:11!)
  • 16:136
    • (16)(17)/2=136
  • 15:120
    • (15)(16)/2=120
  • 14:105
    • (14)(15)/2=105
  • 13:91
    • (13)(14)/2=91
  • 12:78
    • (12)(13)/2=78
  • 11:66
    • (11)(12)/2=66
  • 10:55
    • (10)(11)/2=55
  • 9:45
    • (9)(10)/2=45
  • 8:36
    • (8)(9)/2=36
  • 7:28
    • (7)(8)/2=28
  • 6:21
    • (6)(7)/2=21
  • 5:15
    • (5)(6)/2=15
  • 4:10
    • (4)(5)/2=10
  • 3:6
    • (3)(4)/2=6
  • 2:3
    • (2)(3)/2=3
  • 1:1
    • (1)(2)/2=1

Monday, January 23, 2023

NFL Playoff Predictions


It's another disappointing season for the Cleveland Browns. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun following the NFL playoffs to see how the postseason plays out! Especially when there is still an Ohio team in the running. How will the conference championship games play out, and who will win it all this year? 

Bengals vs Chiefs
I am biased toward choosing the Bengals here as an Ohio resident, but Mahomes's recent ankle sprain makes the pick even more realistic. Cincinnati took down Kansas City in the same game last year, and I think they have a great shot to pull off the repeat upset next weekend. While the Chiefs are loaded with talent, Joe Burrow possesses something possibly more important than any amount of talent or athletic ability: a cool, level, and focused mind. With his leadership, I think we will see the Bengals head to the Super Bowl for back-to-back visits. Bengals 31 - Chiefs 28

Eagles vs 49ers
I know that the Eagles were undefeated for a long time, and the 49ers are working with a 3rd string quarterback. The 49ers offense was really pretty unimpressive in their victory against the Cowboys, while Philadelphia flattened the Giants by a 31-point margin. Sorry San Francisco, but based on the little I've been following, the Eagles look like a deserving favorite. Eagles 24 - 49ers 20

Super Bowl
So assuming my first two predictions are right, we'll see the Bengals facing down the Eagles in the 57th edition of the Super Bowl. This one should be close, and any injuries in either conference championship game could throw things off significantly. But I think the Bengals are prepared to make the big plays in the big moments this year, and finish the work that they started last year. Bengals 27 - Eagles 23

While we're here...
The real question is: When will the Browns finally win the Super Bowl? Their last championship (not a Super Bowl) was in 1964. They finally got a taste of the playoffs in the 2020-2021 season, but are now facing some serious struggles once again. Cleveland, as always, wants to know: When will the Browns finally figure it out?

I'm sad to say that I don't think this is the team to do it. Deshaun Watson is understandably unpopular, and a liability to the team's culture. Whatever his football talents, I don't think it will be enough to make up for his off-field issues. Owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam have time and time again proven themselves incompetent in turning the franchise around. Coach Kevin Stefanski has yet to earn the city's trust, with one strong season out of three. Players like Myles Garrett and Nick Chubb are the bright spots for the Browns right now, but unfortunately that pair is not enough to elevate the entire team.

In reality, I think the Browns are going to need to work through a few more years of failure at worst, and mediocrity at best. To me, the key will be the Haslam family relinquishing the reigns, or at least making a major shift in their approach. They seem incapable of making wise coaching and quarterbacking decisions, and because of this, the franchise's culture remains negative, with low expectations abounding.

Give Watson 2-3 years to keep the hype alive until they finally get rid of him. Then another 3 years for the owners to try something new, and watch it fail, too. Then we finally get a new owner maybe 5 years from now. Give them 3-4 years to rebuild the team. That brings us nine years out. I'm predicting the Browns' first Super Bowl victory in the '31-'32 season. You heard it here first!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Light Phone 2: Wear-tested Product Review


One of the most difficult parts of attempting to avoid the spiral of screen entertainment is the presence of the smartphone. All the entertainment, all the "fun" you could imagine, lives constantly in your pocket. It quickly takes over your default activity for an amount of downtime, and then it starts to create great swathes of unnecessary time for itself.

This is where the Light Phone comes in. It's perfect for those like me who don't have the self-control for a smartphone and don't have another effective alternative for limiting the smartphone's capabilities. 

Setting parental controls for yourself I think can be effective in terms of limiting screen-time or making your phone "dumb". I tried several apps on my old Android, all of which I was able to bypass with enough effort. If you, like me, need something that is truly incapable of getting on the internet, the Light Phone may be for you.

First, here are its chief limitations:

  • No browser - ever. (this is kind of the point)
  • No color. (you're not supposed to enjoy using it really)
  • Few extraneous apps (as of now, the options for Light Phone 2 are phone, alarm, settings, podcasts, notes, music, maps, calculator)
  • No camera (or pictures or videos)

  • Overall low functionality (the live GPS on maps works less than half the time, you can't browse new podcasts on your phone, music has to be downloaded to a PC first, texting is slow and picture messages are sent to your email, which your phone will never have).

This low functionality is basically what The Light Phone is shooting for. They want to make a phone that does everything you need it to, but does not pull you in and is not used all the time, like the smartphone. I think they strike a great balance of functionality and usability while making the device as bare-bones as possible.

Here are the chief advantages that I've noticed from replacing my smartphone with The Light Phone:
  • Less time online. There are plenty of situations where you're out and about, or trying to sleep, or waiting in line, and you end up mindlessly scrolling on your phone. Now there's nothing to scroll, just like the olden days when I got my first cell phone.
  • Better awareness of my surroundings. The maps are unreliable enough that I have to pay much closer attention to where I'm driving. I am growing to know my way around better without having the phone do it all for me.
  • A more positive connection to my phone. I got the feeling with my smartphone that I was using the device more as an unhelpful escape than as a positive tool. The smartphone's aim is to gain control of your mind, gain control of your data, and use them to force you to stare at it for as many hours per day as possible. Not really fun when you think about it. The Light Phone's aim is to let you live your life, while helping you make calls and texts, and listen to good podcasts. Not a bad trade-off overall.
I would highly recommend the Light Phone to anyone who is interested in increasing freedom and reducing the amount of control their phone has over them, if that is something they struggle with. Let's be clear: this is not a magic cure for your internet problems. It is simply a helpful tool that can help drag your mind back out of the glowing blue light. 

The only real obstacle I've faced is work-related communication. The Light Phone doesn't do GroupMe, and my job does. But thankfully GroupMe functions fully as a desktop app, and I've been able to move forward without trouble. However, if your job relies more heavily on the phone or certain apps, you may need to plan more carefully. 

Also, there are many people who have good control over their smartphones and find great utility in their amazing range of functions. If so, then The Light Phone might not be a step up for you. But I am willing to bet that most people are a little more addicted to the screen than we would care to admit. 

Finally, the painful price tag might also be something that turns you off, which is absolutely understandable. However, the phone is durable and not built to become obsolete within two years like most smartphones of a comparable price point.

Overall, I'm extremely impressed with the job this small company has done in building their own hardware and software, coming up with a true gem of a device that checks all the boxes for a dumb phone fan. Thanks for the great product, excellent customer service, and strong positive experience so far!

Rating: 9.5 / 10

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Stand Firm

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

Do you see the powers of darkness moving to overwhelm the light? Do you see them coming, wielding death in their hands and black terror in their eyes?

Do you see them marching, wave after wave, marching upon the last small stronghold of light and hope upon the earth?

Do you see the end drawing near, as they come to bind, to break, and to kill?

Stand firm.

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 

You have tasted the freedom of the Christian, even as the hordes of evil mass against you for the thousandth assault, seeking to overwhelm you, tempting you to use your freedom for ill, and not for good. But Christ has promised not to let them snatch you from his loving arms - and he fights before you, as your champion. He holds the gate and breaks the tide of evil until that day when, in power and great glory, he will descend in light from on high and destroy the powers of darkness for the final time.

You are at war, at the night watch, longing for the coming morning. Do not presume safety, do not rest in the treasures and pleasures of the world, do not sleep.

Stand firm.

NBA - Halfway Thoughts and Analysis


We're over halfway!

It has been an extremely interesting NBA season thus far for a variety of reasons. Most of my preseason predictions seem to be less than prophetic - but time will tell! There are still 35-40 more games to play before the playoffs!

Here are my main points of analysis at the halfway point of this 22-23 NBA saga.

1. A Truly Wide Open Season

It seems like every time I check the league standings, the top few spots have shuffled around, or a newcomer has broken into contention. Some stat-head smarter than me can figure out the number of lead changes or something, but the point is this: there is no clear favorite. Unless you are the guy who becomes firmly convinced he is witnessing second coming of the '97 Bulls every time a team rattles off a 7-game win streak, it is clear that a whole lot of teams truly have a shot. In the East, there is only a 2-win spread between the Nets at Number 2 and the Knicks at Number 6. We're seeing lots of good-but-not-great teams vying for supremacy. Out West, the spread from 4th to 9th is also only 2 wins - with the defending champion Warriors only holding the 7th position. It's exciting to have a postseason with so many reasonable scenarios, instead of LeBron (13th in the West) just steamrolling his whole conference. And speaking of LeBron...

2. Who is the King?

LeBron's 2020 title very well could have been his last. And now with an endless parade of accolades already safe in his trophy case, one final and very important distinction will likely soon be his: Kareem's all-time scoring title of 38,387 points. It's a big deal, no matter which (human) way you look at it. I think the question most people are asking is whether this will make him the goat. We are so much like those old foolish disciples we love to laugh at, asking who is the greatest. Jesus is the greatest. Shut up, you vain and dying mortal man. Your lauded legacy is simply to return to the dust, for out of it you were taken. All our accomplishments will pass away like vapor in the wind. The scoring title, the rings, the records: vanity of vanities. So take that!

3. The Cavs are good at basketball again

Like, really good. 71 points good. And like I said, this season is wide open. Similar to most of the East, the Cavs have struggled to really establish themselves as a front-runner. It will get ugly come playoff time, when all these good-but-not-great teams are vying for a spot in the next round. I think the Cavs are going to pull themselves together for a second-round playoff run, as I predicted at the start of the season. If they play as "really good" as they are capable of, they can go even farther.

4. Many Tall and Brittle Men

I don't know if it's always been this way or the development is more recent, but everybody who does sports is just hurt these days, all the time. It's not just a problem exclusive to pro basketball, either. I feel like there was a time when it wasn't like this, and perhaps we have been gaslighted. I seem to remember reading about runners like Bill Rodgers or players like John Stockton or backs like Walter Payton who got beat up just as bad as these guys if not worse, but just kept playing! Maybe we've wimped out, maybe the workload has become unrealistic from too young an age, or maybe it's something else entirely. But my goodness, get a hint from a guy like LeBron. Take care of your body first and foremost - I don't care how good you are if half the time you're not lacing up. Same deal in running - imagine the kind of consistent training you can get it if you just don't push yourself to the point of injury. Listen to your body, don't just blindly follow some protocol or diagnosis. 

5. And The Title Goes To...

I'm between the Heat, Celtics, Bucks, Grizzlies, and Mavericks right now. My preseason prediction of the Heat is looking harder and harder to stand by, but I won't give in until they're eliminated. However, let me just go ahead and put in the Celtics as my second choice... and the Cavs as my third! The title is not going West this year.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Field Report #030


I did 1,000 burpees...

In 15 days. Hey, it sounded cool.

But the burpees really are going well as I've strung a few days together here in the new year. I have yet to establish a set time each day, but hopefully that will come. I just have found a way to get it done the last few days. I don't particularly anticipate trying to hit 1,000 in a workout, but it is a goal of mine as I've mentioned previously to hit 500 in under 90 minutes.

Psalms are also happening but I've been slacking in the memory department. Entertainment has been good, and is my longest current streak of the three. 

Also, a new favorite Rhythm of the Sword - related Bible passage of mine: 

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Next big moves to make are getting into a routine time for burpees, and re-establishing a memory habit. Besides that, just trying to keep the ball rolling!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

The Truth Will Set You Free


"If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

What does this mean?

This means that the one thing needful, and the only thing needful, is Jesus Christ.

Yes you have physical needs. But you don't really need them - because to die is gain.

But more toward the point that Rhythm of the Sword is getting at, you don't need the glowing screen, daily relaxation, escapist quiet time, entertainment, and earthly serenity. 

You have Jesus Christ.

It is a LIE of the devil that you need these things, these earthly coping mechanisms for life. The devil LIES and tells you to yearn for the next quiet moment with the computer screen, to put your hope in the next chance you get to escape your work, to rest in the depths of your smartphone. Your corrupted human flesh LIES when you find yourself putting your trust in all these things that are, in fact, not Jesus Christ.

To live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

Ultimately, to live is Christ, and only Christ. Christ alone is our rest. Christ alone is our hope and trust and escape from the fears and terrors of this evil age.

One of the devil's favorite modern LIES is the brainwashing of mankind into a relentless background anxiety and discontent, to be fed most often by a LYING, glowing screen. Did you know that for thousands of years, many of God's people have been able to go through life contentedly without this? That's because the screen helps to cause your tension and anxiety and fear; it is not the solution or the escape. It just offers a temporary fix for the fear that it creates. It works like any other addiction. The high of the screen makes the rest of life too low, until you can't feel normal or comfortable without being back on the screen.

In other words, the idol isn't helping you in the way that it LIES and tells you it's helping. Rather, it is the poison that it claims to heal you from. But you can get rid of the brutal cycle altogether, if only you are willing to stop believing the LIE: that to live is something other than Christ, and that to die is loss.

Here's the truth: Ultimately, to live is Christ. And only Christ. And to die is gain. And only gain. With great subterfuge and subtlety, the devil, the world, and your flesh teach the opposite. They LIE and say that to live is many things much more important that Christ, and to die is tragedy.

But take heart, because there is a way, and only one way, out of the enslaving, brainwashing LIE.


The truth is that you are already a baptized child of God. Which means you are already free.

The truth is that you are already free from the enslavement of the devil, the world, and your flesh.

The truth is that you don't actually have to chase the easy escape of the world.

The truth is that the easy escape of the world is not actually an easy escape, but an expertly-veiled spiral of tension and frustration for the human soul.

The truth is that the screen does absolutely nothing for you.

The truth is that you can actually just stop, and rest in the words of Jesus in Scripture instead.

The truth is that Christ is enough, and that when you tear down your high places and rest in Christ instead, the nagging discontent created by the screen will fade and eventually die, killing your need for another hit.

The truth is that your sins are paid for, your guilt is covered, and you have eternal life.

The truth is that Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again.

This truth is your very life, and the only balm for your fear, anxiety, and hopelessness.

This truth is your rest under the burden, your escape from sin, your refuge in trouble.

The truth is that it's not about self-control or discipline. These should be built and will be built, slowly, over time. But discipline is not the fountain or source of freedom. Discipline does not equal freedom. It is how you handle your freedom, it can expand your worldly freedom, but it is not where freedom comes from. Truth equals freedom. Follow me here:

  1. The truth is that Jesus is all you need. Luke 10:41-42
  2. Therefore you don't need your idol - it doesn't actually fill the need it pretends to. Psalm 115:4-8
  3. Not only that, but thanks to Jesus' redeeming blood, your idol does not actually have power to enslave you. Romans 6:12-14
  4. Thus, released from the powers of darkness, you are now free. Free to cast down your idols because you don't need them and they don't control you, as much as you have let them in the past. Free to discipline yourself in service to God and neighbor. Free to rest in your Lord Jesus as you freely struggle against idolatry for the rest of your life, until you are finally rid of it in the resurrection. You are free to rest in the truth that sets you free. John 8:31-36

You have the truth in your Holy Baptism, in Holy Absolution, in the true Body and Blood of Jesus. You have the truth. Therefore, though you may still doubt it, and struggle with it, and live in a flesh that denies it, you are, right now, truly free. 

In other words, you can actually fight back with the Word of Christ and prayer when tempted to sin. You can drive away the devil because Christ has freed you. You can take your favorite idol, grind it to dust, and drown it in the water of your Baptism - every day, repenting over and over, because Christ has freed you.

Do not lose sight of this liberating truth. Yes, you will be free from sin, completely free from its effects and powers in your dying body, on the Last Day. But what we are perhaps afraid to believe is that right now, we are already free. Sin already has no dominion over us. Jesus has already replaced the heart of stone with a heart of flesh. Jesus is already upholding us with his free spirit - he has purged us with hyssop and washed us whiter than snow.


Now, in complete and total freedom, engage unceasingly and joyfully in the discipline of love for God and love for neighbor. Gladly be a slave to God and a servant to your neighbor.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Georgia vs TCU National Championship Prediction


It's Monday, January 9th at 4:45 pm as I write this. In two hours and 45 minutes the national title game will begin in California. I am an occasional college football fan with perhaps 20 minutes cumulative watch time of games from this season.

Having read a few preview articles, I know that basic storyline that Georgia is the heavy favorite and defending champion. TCU is the Cinderella team with a stunning, expectation-shattering season and a chance now to win it all.

You hear the phrase "heavy favorite" a lot but it really seems to be the case here. In the previews that I've read, out of something like 20 different sportswriters predictions, I remember only one who picked TCU.

I will not edit this article after 5pm and we can see how things turn out.

My prediction for the final score is:

TCU 35 - Georgia 34

EDIT: Ok the actual final score was TCU 7 - Georgia 65


Saturday, January 7, 2023

Field Report #029

I've got one!

Digging through a box of old junk from our recent move, I found this beautiful ESV Gideons Testament! I thought I remembered tearing up my only Gideons copy to make Pocket LSB modifications, but it turns out I still had a copy unaltered and in good condition! God be praised. This is an answer to prayer, as I have now lost my pocket LSB for several days and have been on the hunt for a new pocket resource.

As you can see in the picture, I'll use a binder clip to keep the pages together in an attempt to prevent folding and crumpling. I think this will extend the life of the booklet. As I laid out in an earlier post, my plan is to switch to Gideons for my "every day carry" devotional resource. I needed something pocket-sized that contained the Psalms, John, and Romans. Not only do the Gideons Testaments check all the boxes, but they are very cheap and easy to get, and so I can actually get ahold of multiple copies of the exact same translation text, allowing me to have that continuity over the years that I am looking for in these three Biblical books.

My next step will be to create and install the necessary modifications to the inside cover. The Psalms themselves are of course the best devotional resource in existence, but it's important to me to round them out with some beloved hymns, prayers, and other texts. 

I slipped with Rhythm of the Sword badly yesterday (all three categories) but am on track today. I find it very encouraging to have my new devotional book ready to go as I work through these daily disciplines. God's Word is the fuel and purpose of this whole endeavor.

Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum

Thursday, January 5, 2023

How to Use a Pocket Notebook


When I made my first three-stapled pocket notebook and started writing in it on September 24th, 2020, it was a cathartic experience for me. All kinds of thoughts that had been whirling around in my mind finally had somewhere to go. I could write them down, see them and record them, and get them out of my head. I think that's the first major usage of pocket notebooks:

  1. Use a pocket notebook as a place to record your thoughts and ideas.
Over time, after months of pocket notebooks, and ample time to get all this stuff out of my mind, I found that the flow of information began to slow down. While thoughts and ideas remained a fairly regular part of my notebooks' content, the pages became more filled with day-to-day happenings than ponderings. To-do lists, reminders, important notes, and key information: this was the one place to write them all down.

      2. Use a pocket notebook to manage your day-to-day life.

However, I found that a further evolution began to take place in time, an evolution away from the day-to-day management. I found that a spreadsheet, not the notebook, was the ideal place to store my to-do list. I found that a Google calendar was the superior location for dates and times. Now, the day-to-day management aspect of the pocket notebook has become lighter for me, though it's certainly still there. My new principal usage for the pocket notebook has been as a tracker. I use it to keep track of things that I want to work on or accomplish each day - and it suits this purpose so well because I almost always have it with me.

      3. Use a pocket notebook to track actions during the day.

Today, I am writing less than ever in my pocket notebooks. It can easily take a month to fill up a little 48-pager, while it once was common for me to fill that kind of space in 12-16 days. This blog has taken its place as the primary outlet for my thoughts and musings. Other tools have replaced some of its productivity uses. But even after more than two years, I still find the tool indispensable. Not a day goes by that I don't want to keep track of my habits and rituals. Not a week goes by that I don't have to write down a phone number, put together a little hand-drawn map, or give someone an address. 

The pocket notebook remains useful, flexible, and ready to record thoughts, manage life, track actions, or whatever else you may need a pencil and paper for.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

71 Points


Donovan Mitchell just dropped 71 points on the Chicago Bulls, leading the Cavs to a 145-134 overtime victory in Cleveland. 

Not just 57 like LeBron or Kyrie.

Not in a throwaway loss like Booker.

This was a game where every possession mattered, and every shot was a risk. And under the pressure of a close game as his new team's number one option, Mitchell delivered in a way that only a handful of players in history ever have. This was a truly special game in the history of the league.

Mitchell has been performing above expectations all season. But this game elevated Mitchell to a new level - among the league's superstardom - as he looks to bring the Cavs back into the playoffs for the first time since #23 ruled the floor in Cleveland.

It's time for the Cavs to set that same expectation for themselves if they haven't already: that they are one of the top teams in the East, and should contend with the best of the best, deep into the playoffs. What a confidence boost to see their leading man show them what's possible for this team when he's locked in and the shots are falling.

Finally, I can't help but mention that the last time a player scored this many points, it was none other than Kobe on January 22nd, 2006, when he delivered his legendary 81-point performance against the Toronto Raptors. Neither Mitchell nor the Cavs have the same reputation and prestige that Kobe or the Lakers had in '06. But last night, Cleveland forced its way back onto the basketball map.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Memorization Lessons


Good morning, and happy New Year!

I pretty much finished up Psalm 37 last night and was able to recite it with only a couple minor mistakes! I will spend time reviewing over the next few weeks to solidify it.

I'm beginning to learn the value and importance of review when it comes to memory work, whether for Psalms or any other text that you're trying to memorize. There was a guy online who described it as weeds growing in a garden. Each thing you've memorized is a garden plot. If you ignore a garden plot for a long time, weeds will spring up (actually it only takes a short time in my experience - this is the only flaw in this metaphor). Similarly, if you don't review and practice something you've learned by heart, little mistakes will begin to creep in, especially if you've only just (barely) memorized the thing. So while I want to spend time continuing to learn new verses, I also need to spend significant memory time just practicing the old ones. And the more you learn, the more time needs to be spent in review in order to not lose what you have. 

But, like so many things in life, it's amazing how simple and straightforward (but not easy) the memorization process is. You just practice the thing enough times, and you get better at it. It doesn't matter as much whether you're writing it out, reading it silently, reading it aloud, listening to it, reading along, thinking through it, etc. Making wise choices between those options will affect the speed at which you memorize, but the big picture is that you just get in the reps, and the memory will come! 

It's like the lesson every runner needs to learn. You might improve a little faster or a little slower by doing certain types of training, particular workouts, and tinkering with this and that. But if you want general improvement, all you need to do is get in the reps: get out the door and run consistently.

Keep it simple, focus on the reps.