Monday, February 27, 2023

Field Report #035

Keep the ball rolling.

That's been my motto the last couple days. As long as I don't stall out for too long, it's possible to keep RotS on track and continue making progress. If I lose momentum, it tends to turn into a total blowup. If I just keep moving little by little on work tasks especially, they never become too overwhelming and I'm able to keep up better with my daily disciplines.

Psalms, Burpees, and 0 entertainment all went well yesterday and are on track for today, as well. That's after 5 days of absolutely no completions.

Let's get to bed so we can keep the ball rolling early tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

A Competitive All-Star Format


Basketball fans love to ponder what it would look like for the very best players in the world to team up together, and elevate the game to its highest possible level. To combine the most gifted talents on earth for a legendary matchup, and watch them work their magic against each other. 

The NBA All-Star game is about the farthest thing from that fantasy that you could possibly dream up. The 2023 edition just finished with a strange game format that sees players pursuing point totals rather than playing until the clock is up. It's an attempt by the league to make the game more competitive. And it isn't working. If you want an idea of the level of defense played in the All-Star game for instance, take a look at Stephen Curry from a few years ago in the picture above. 

But what to do about it? The problem is clear: no one cares. The talent is there, the venue is there, the hype is there. But much more important to the players is the real NBA season and the approaching playoffs, and all focus is on staying healthy and rested for the games that matter. All-Star weekend could not be further disconnected from their day-to-day cares.

So logically, the NBA needs to connect All-Star weekend to the things that matter most to the players, in order to incentivize the best possible performance. The whole weekend has turned into a joke at this point. Michael freaking Jordan used to participate in the dunk contest. But none of the best players care anymore.

 All that could change with the following modifications:

1: Make home-court advantage in the Finals contingent on the All-Star Game Winner

This is the big one. Any player who thinks their team has a shot at going all the way is looking for every possible edge come playoff time. Return the All-Star game to an East vs West format. Whichever conference wins the game, the team that comes out of that conference gets home-court advantage in the NBA Finals. Playing at home matters statistically, and all of a sudden guys like LeBron, Giannis, and the rest will have good reason to show us more effort in the dream matchups we would all love to see.

Along with this change, you would want to put more control back in the players' hands because they have skin in the game now, and have the players' votes be public. Have the All-Star roster vote go 1/2 to the players, 1/4 to the coaches and 1/4 to the fans. Voting in this way I think would generate much more interest and investment from players and fans alike, who actually get to have some direct influence over the potential success of their team in the Finals.

2. Bring in the Top 5 Dunkers and Top 5 Three-Point Shooters in the League

Unlike in the All-Star game itself, these two well-established contests do not draw the best players in the league. We end up with maybe one or two guys who should really be there, and the rest are often footnotes by NBA standards. Instead, have 5 participants in each contest: The 5 healthy players with the most dunks in the league so far this season, and the 5 healthy players with the most made 3's in the league so far this season. Write it into every new NBA contract - you can't just skip these contests for "load management". Participation by the best players should be just as expected here as in the All-Star Game.

3. Get rid of the Skills Challenge.

Nobody cares.

4. Replace it with One-on-One

Now here's something that fans would love to see. Imagine if we had gotten to see Kobe vs LeBron. Or Bird vs Magic. Today, we could get to enjoy rivalry matchups like LeBron vs Curry or center battles like Embiid vs Jokic. Giannis vs Dončić. It's a star-driven league. How have we not tried this already.

The challenge would, of course, be to get players invested. Set up a single-elimination, 8-man bracket, with players seeded 1 through 8 based on quantity of fan and media votes (50% each). Play to 11, win by 2, half-court. Just like you did when you were a kid. The winner is crowned the best 1-on-1 player in the world along with a fancy new trophy. It's not as big a thing as the All-Star Game, but the March-Madness style tournament might be enough to motivate some players' competitive side and awaken some nostalgia for them. These types of matchups would also likely get personal, and I think NBA egos would be more than enough to make the players try to prove themselves top dog.

With these four changes together, I think All-Star weekend would transform from a footnote to a highly-anticipated part of the NBA season.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

All-Star Break


The All-Star Break is here!

With teams about 70% through the regular season, we get a little respite to enjoy the All-Star festivities, and analyze how the title chase is going so far. The top 10 overall teams in the leagues by win percentage on All-Star weekend are:

1. Celtics 71.2%        (East)

2. Bucks 70.7%         (East)

3. Nuggets 69.5%      (West) 

4. 76ers 66.7%           (East)

5. Cavs 62.3%           (East)

6. Grizzlies 61.4%     (West)

7. Nets 58.6%            (East)

8. Kings 56.1%          (West)

9. Knicks 55.0%        (East)

10. Heat 54.2%          (East)

Overall, the Eastern Conference is certainly dominating the league at this juncture with 7 of the top 10 and 4 of the top 5 records. But the middle pack of the league is extremely tight, and it's still anyone's guess who could come out of the woodwork, especially with the recent reshaping of the Suns and Mavericks. Neither of them make this list (yet) and LeBron is also noticeably left off.

Oh, and there's some team out of San Francisco sitting 9th in the West right now. 

In a year with no clear favorite for the title, there are very few teams that really aren't at least in the playoff conversation. Both the East and the West have a pair of bottom-2 teams that are at least 12 percentage points below their next competitor. Everyone else has a reasonable shot at the play-in at worst.

Historically speaking, I think the title favorites at this point in the season have to be the Celtics and Bucks. I know it's not very exciting to say this as they own the top 2 overall records. But it's more than just the record. Both teams have very recent Finals experience. Both teams have stars with better than average injury history. And both teams are well-coached and have had time to gel together over the last few years. If I could pick one at this point, I'd say Boston is likely to win back-to-back Eastern Conference titles.

In the West, I honestly don't love any of the three top seeds (Nuggets, Grizzlies, and Kings). I know that Suns are supposed to be favorites now, but I don't trust them to stay healthy. My money would be on Luka and Kyrie's Mavericks. Again, we have a relatively low injury risk (and Kyrie has had plenty of rest for other reasons) and some really stunning star power leading the team.

If we do end up with Celtics vs Mavericks, I think it'll be a total tossup decided on a mid-series injury, a critical call from an overzealous ref, or a single shot or two. It's the uncomfortable truth that far more of the close games come down to things out of the players' control than we'd like to admit.

Field Report #034


For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Today is my third day of a new strategy, which is to try to work on a single element of Rhythm of the Sword instead of attempting all three at once. None of the RotS habits are ingrained yet, and so I'm just trying to work on the Psalms instead of make all three happen for a short time, then burn out. Maybe if I focus on Psalms to the point that they become automatic, it will be easier to add in the next element. 

I am not following the Daily Office schedule, just starting with the Psalms and trying to build it up from there to slowly add in all the other things I want to work on, like other prayers and Bible readings, exercise, memorization, and 0 entertainment. Just doing the Psalms is keeping the entertainment from getting out of control anyway.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Field Report #033


We finished watching Chariots of Fire a couple nights ago. What a classic, and a great movie. 

Rhythm of the Sword is on the backburner as I work to catch up with some work things. I did get one good workout in a 15-down Rep Ladder inspired by Iron Wolf, and even more so inspired by the man some have begun to call the Estonian Bear.

Nothing happening with the Eric Liddell challenge at the moment; I will most likely just try to work through Psalm 78 at a less constraining one-verse-per-day pace once a little time opens up.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Durant to the Suns


Another big trade!

This one may shake things up.

Here is my analysis:

1. Booker is still not a championship player, but Paul may be (with KD's help). If Durant is able to stay healthy, I think he has a shot of taking this team to the Finals. But now, Luka and Kyrie will stand in their way. I would give the edge in that matchup to Luka and Kyrie.

2. The Nets are really finished. They have a high quantity of decent role players now, but Brooklyn likely won't be in the title conversation again until they develop or trade for a new star player. And it's not Ben Simmons.

3. The West suddenly became significantly stronger. With Kyrie and now KD switching conferences, two teams in the West just got significantly better and one in the East just got significantly worse. Plus, the Lakers are stronger with another trade, sending over Mo Bamba. Whoever comes out of the East will have their hands full.

4. I started the season predicting a Heat vs Warriors Finals. I think that's still possible. But the more likely option to me at this point is Celtics vs Mavericks. At this point in time, I would say Celtics vs Cavs in the Eastern Conference Finals and Mavericks vs Suns in the West.

Kyrie to the Mavericks


Kyrie Irving has officially been traded to the Dallas Mavericks, and recently played his first game for Dallas (a 110-104 victory without Luka over the Clippers). This trade shakes up the league in a big way. Here are some of the chief effects of this big trade:

#1 - The Nets are probably finished.

As long as Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving were playing together, there was the possibility that the Nets could sort out their issues and make a run to the Finals. Everything has changed now. Kevin Durant does not have a viable #2 star to back him up when playoff basketball begins. Perhaps KD will stick around and see if the Nets can adjust to fill the space that Kyrie used to fill. But based on his history, it seems more likely that he will be ready for another move. It is incredibly difficult to win a title without a strong second star, and the Nets dream team has slowly fallen further and further from that hope.

#2 - The Mavericks are the new favorites in the West

What team is going to match up with Luka Dončić and Kyrie Irving? You could say Curry, Thompson, and Draymond, but they rarely share the floor together due to constant injury. And the defending champs are only one win above .500 this season. LeBron and D'Angelo Russell might have a shot if Davis gets healthy, but the Lakers are only 25-30, and would need a massive turnaround. Jokić and Murray will take the Nuggets on another playoff run, but as impactful as Jokić is statistically, he hasn't been able to take over playoff games like his competitors. Morant still lacks that knockout Number 2 option. The Kings will make the playoffs but they are young and inexperienced, unlike the Mavericks leading men. In the wide-open West, this is a giant opportunity for the Dallas Mavericks.

#3 - LeBron's title window is nearly closed

LeBron needs help if he wants to win a fifth ring. I think that it's still possible, providing Davis is able to stay healthy and De'Angelo Russell fits in well with the Lakers. But the Lakers' failure to land a big star before the trade deadline could be the final nail in the coffin. It's been said before and I'll say it again, LeBron is only getting older. And while he is performing unprecedently well for his age, no one would say that his dominance today is the same as it was five or ten years ago. The Lakers' glory days, at least those that would revolve around LeBron James, will soon come to an end, if they haven't already. This may be be the last season for Playoff LeBron to make a run for the Finals. 

#4 - A New Dynasty

It's difficult to predict when and where a sports dynasty will arise. The Warriors are the league's current dynastic team. They are the reigning champs, six-time Western Conference champs, and four-time league champs during this run. But similarly to the glory days of their rival from Akron, the glory days of the Warriors, at least those that revolve around Stephen Curry, are coming to a close. And who will take their place? Kyrie's move to Dallas gives the Mavericks a chance to become the new top dogs in the NBA. Kyrie is in his prime, and Luka is still so young. They have experience to rely on and a franchise centerpiece to build with for years to come. That all could change, however, if Irving becomes dissatisfied and seeks his fourth move since coming into the league. If not the Mavericks, the Celtics and Bucks are the next obvious choices. Despite losing Irving a few years ago, Boston has cemented itself as the class of the Eastern conference, and their stars are young and eager. Milwaukee has Giannis, and as long as he is there, they have the potential to do great things for many years to come.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Word of God and Prayer


"...and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication." Ephesians 6:17-18a

The devil wants it to just be a meme. An overused trope in the spiritual warfare conversation.

"Oh yeah, check out this cute drawing of a kid in armor! Nothing else to see here, folks!"

Ephesians 6 is so well known now that the devil's strategy is not so much to hide it, but to downplay its importance as a childish and overused metaphor. At least, that's the sense that I get. 

Instead, I think Ephesians 6 should be absolutely critical in the conversation of what a Christian's day-to-day life actually looks like. The offensive weapon in God's armor, the armor with which we stand firm against the spiritual forces of darkness, the weapon that cannot be overcome by death itself, is the Word of God, taken up with prayer at all times. 

This sword must be out and working constantly, lest we fall again into sin and a spirit of slavery. The devil desperately desires this. We must resist, but in no other way than in taking up the sword of the spirit. The Word of God with prayer.

Hopefully this starts to open up how valuable, how essential, the Psalms really are. How precious are the words of our Lord when he teaches us to pray. To walk upon the earth without the Word of God and prayer is to wander through the wilderness unarmed, with a lion on the loose. We must bear arms against this evil age.

The Word of God is not just a nice idea. Prayer is not just a good practice for a devoted Christian. The Word of God and prayer are the very rhythm of a Christian's life. And the more central they become, the better we are armed against the prowling lion. Lord have mercy, and grant that we would cling to your Word and cry out to you in prayer at all times. 

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Into your hands I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Jesus Christ, faithful God. Amen.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Field Report #032


Today is on track so far. I found out that Psalm 78 chanted is about 85-95 burpees long for me, depending on the pace. It gets you through the 100 quickly and lets the Psalm get more familiar in the background.

As always, I love the feeling of doing a burpee set after a steady stretch of doing it consistently. The strength is coming back. 

I would like to do more running, but don't know when I can make that happen. I'm going to keep prioritizing burpees, but am unsure where to put the focus while running. 400m, 1 mile, 10k, 10 mile, marathons, and ultra adventures are all appealing to me. I generally get more interested as the distance increases, but the proportional increase in time commitment is the struggle.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Field Report #031


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Into your hands I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Jesus Christ, faithful God. Amen.

Day 1 is in the books. Looking forward to Day 2. Short on sleep.

Pictured above is Eric Liddell's family, who he didn't see due to being trapped in China during WWII. He died 5 months before the Americans liberated his camp. He never met his youngest daughter; I'm not sure about his second-youngest.